Sunday, December 20, 2009

"TwAOOONg, TwAOoOng, TwaOONG, WAOOng" Talk

Doodles... doodelss DOODLES:::

FORTUNATELY!! These are not the only doodles made the last months (? wow XD Lovely) So to be continued--

Entries for a jam (BLUE THEME)

Entry 1. Tadpole Abe & Nita (Abraham Sapien from Hellboy & Namorita from Namor 8D )

2. Beast adores his profession as a teacher and does have great communication with his students--- Specially in Technology subjects. Although sometimes the student can teach the teacher.
McCoy is designed beautifully by Rod Guen, so it had to be drawn again. Chicken Gurl invented by me (WOoooWWW 8D)

3. Claire from Heroes

4. Nathan from Heroes (YES it HAS blue in it so it counts)

5. Shield from Astonishing X-Men

EDIT: Yeah I also laugh at the fact that, for once I want to upload something on, it is closed XP Aaah the ironies, irony.

Caricatures (spaghetti doodles also):

Susan Sarandon as Janet

Orson Welles as Father Mapple (black pen) Aaaah I wish I got a better likeness... something with better dignity for his majestic speech in Moby Dick! The actor for Captain Ahab was to me quite a disappointment though... I was expecting someone creepier X)

There you goes- Enjoy and Happy Holidays!!


Unknown said...

enhorabuena, eres la cuadratura del circulo: Mignola mezclado con tu padre (2 de mis artistas favoritos :)

Will Appledorn said...

Great stuff,

I'm always impressed by your work every time i stop in and take a peek.



Sorry i've been away from your blog for so long...


s.alzuria said...

i love the last one especially! super cool linear drawing! amazing xx

ariel tenorio said...

Great Jobs!!!

Francisco Martins said...

Hey there!
Awesome doodles you have here! great work!

Cheers from Portugal! :)

madofthehill said...

Desde luego que sí estás hecha una artista.
Me encanta este último Caty!

Raul Avila said...

me parece interesante tu busqueda de un estilo cada dibujo es una exploración

Gulzar said...

I'm so glad I came here...
I found your art and Ludovico Einaudi, I hadnt heard of him, I'll be honest...but boy what a talent he has...

And talking of which, your work is outstanding, brilliant. esp those loose sketches at the bottom.

Take care
Warm wishes from India.
Would love to hear from you.


andres casciani said...

jajaj, I was seeing Rocky Horror last week and your drawing reflects Janet's face very good!

The Original "Funsaver" said...

me encantan todos!